Club Meeting Schedule

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Topics (Time Permitting):

  • TBD

Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month, from 7-9 pm, and visitors are welcome!:
American Legion Post No. 367, 609 Fullerton Avenue, Whitehall, PA 18053.

If you have inherited a stamp collection and are interested in selling it or just determining its value, we recommend you bring it to one of our meetings. Please arrive 20-30 minutes before our meeting start time so members have an opportunity to examine it. If that’s your plan, please notify Bill Harris, our club president, via email at, so he can provide a heads up to our members.

Only club members may participate in club elections and club auctions. Our club bourses are open to club members and members of other local clubs.

Other Events

Trips to the American Philatelic Society (APS) HQ – Our club sponsors trips to APS HQ (Bellefonte, PA) to ensure that key personnel and sales offices are available for members to purchase items. For future scheduled trips, please contact Bill Harris, the club president, via email at
Note: Only members who have paid their current dues will be accepted for these trips.

Annual Club Socials  – The club sponsors an annual social event for members and their guests at local eating establishments. Included are talks on various philatelic subjects.

Biannual Stamp Shows – For information about our twice-a-year stamp show, see our EPASS page