If you wish to become a member, click on Membership Application. Print out and fill in the application form and send it with your $15 check made out to “Allentown Philatelic Society” to our Membership Chairman:
Mr. Brian Gaydos
551 Richmond Road,
Bangor, PA 18013-9535
Note: Dues of new Members received between 1 August and 31 December will cover both the current year and the entire following calendar year.
Also, if you are not already a member of our hobby’s national philatelic society, you might want to consider joining the American Philatelic Society. For more information about the national APS and it benefits, click on APS Member Benefits.
For all other matters concerning our club, the Allentown Philatelic Society, simply fill in the form below to get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!